School Management System

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The Student Management System (SMS) is a Complete program designed to efficiently regulate several aspects of a university or other learning environment. By means of a single platform, this system maximizes operations and increases communication, so permitting perfect interactions between several user roles: teachers, students, administrators, and non-teaching staff. SMS lets simple handling of attendance, salary processing, and fee administration guarantees a controlled and user-friendly experience.


1. User Roles

  • Controls broad system capabilities, user rights, and  administer reports.
  • Class scheduling, student attendance, and grade entries are within Teacher control.
  • As Student see fee status, personal attendance records, and grades.
  • Among the non-teaching staff members are office workers and support staff handling non-academic events and services.

2. Modules

  • Student Attendance: allows teachers to record and track attendance for every class utilizing administrative data in addition to their own.
  • Teacher Attendance: Salary processing and scheduling benefit from daily attendance records of teachers.
  • Non-Teaching Staff Attendance: Tracking non-teaching staff members helps to ensure accountability.
  • Using Teacher Salary Management computes teacher pay based on attendance, payroll policies, and other adjustable criteria.
  • Payroll for non-teaching staff considering attendance and needs particular to their roles is handled by Non-Teaching Workers Salary Management.
  • By way of access to prior payment records, Student Fees Management presents an interface enabling users to examine and control fee payments with efficiency..

3. Benefits

  • Automating some administrative tasks helps one to save the necessary documentation and physical work..
  • Transparency assures honest communication among government officials, teachers, and students themselves.
  • Scalability guarantees efficient and safe data processing since it allows the system to expand with the need of the business.

Tools Used:

Tool used

Testing Tools Used:

Testing tool


  • bcryptjs
  • connect-mongo
  • body-parser
  • cors
  • dotenv
  • express
  • jsonwebtoken
  • moment
  • mongoose
  • nodemon
  • validator

Use Cases:

  1. User Registration and Management
    • Add/Update/Delete Users: User registration and administration allows you to register, change, or delete fresh system users.
    • User Roles: Assign roles—normal or administrative user—then exercise user rights.
  2. Book Management
    • Add/Update/Delete Books: add new books, change existing entries, or delete old ones.
    • Search Books: Search author; book names, genre; availability; classification;
  3. Category Management
    • See here a list of every book falling within a particular category: ** Sort books** according to category.
  4. Borrowing and Returning Books
    • Initiate Borrowing: Note a fresh borrowing transaction and adjust the book's availability state.
    • Return Book: Record the return, note the transaction as whole, then change availability.
  5. Transaction Management
    • View Transaction History: Track borrowing and return history in Transaction Management using either user or book.
    • Overdue Alerts: Examine past-due records and, if needed, notify customers or apply penalties.

Database Structure :

The platform will require a relational database to manage Admin,Non-Teaching Staff Attendance,Non Teaching Staff,non Teaching Staff Salary, student Attendance,student Fees, student, teacher Attendance,teacher,teachersalary. Below is a proposed database structure with the key tables.

admin model
non tech staff att
non tech staff
non tech staff salary
student attendance
student fees
student model
teacher attendance

teacher model
teacher salary model