No-Code platform
that Exports
Source Code


Export Source Code
No Platform Lock-in!

Develop | Export | Integrate | Deploy | Complete Ownership

Front-End Technologies

React logo
tailwind logo
No Code for NestJS Code builder

Back-End Technologies

No Code for NodeJS Code builder
No Code for ExpressJS Code builder
No Code for NestJS Code builder

Supported Databases

No Code for Mongo DB Code builder
No Code for MySQL Code builder
No Code for PostgreSQL Code builder

Not like code-snippet
from GPT

Manage the entire Software Development Lifecycle

Using ZenDevX No Code API Builder save 90% of development time and cost

Build Models

No more time spending on bug  fixing, Generate 100% bug-free source code from ZenDevX No Code Generator

Create Controller / API endpoints

Get dedicated support from experienced No Code Developer

Design Pages and Dashboards

Get dedicated support from experienced No Code Developer

Analyse using MIS

How does ZenDevX work ?

Plan, design, develop, test, and Export

Model Creation

Create Models used to define database schema, validations and rules. Using ZenDevX you can build visually Mongoose defines scalable and adaptable schemas for MongoDB. For MySQL & PostgreSQL structures normalized tables with primary and foreign keys for relational integrity.

model creation image
Left side work flow
Api building

API Development

API building focuses on creating secure, scalable, and efficient endpoints. We use Express.js for structuring RESTful APIs, ensuring clean and maintainable code. Authentication is implemented using JWT.

Right side flow

Page layout

Pages can be designed visually in ZenDevX usign Drag-n-drop feature. Code can be exported in React JS (TypeScript / JavScript) Tailwind CSS, and Redux. React components address dynamic content, Tailwind's utility-first classes simplify styling. TypeScript improves code quality by use of static typing. Redux controls the application state for constant and effective data flow over the system.

Page Layout image
left work flow
export code

Export Code

Most important feature and benefit of the ZenDevX is Source Code Export. You can get completely functional ReactJS and NodeJS  source code. Generated source code is 100% bug-free, human readable, customizable. User can integrate with existing code, too.

Middle work flow

Deliver or Deploy

No-Platform Locking. Exported code can be deployed further or deliver to customer. No recurring payment.

Benefits of No Code Development ?

Easy to use, very little learning curve

Are you web-developer? if yes, then using our curated on-boarding tutorial you can start using ZenDevX in maximum 2-days.

Develop faster

Building front-end and back-end part of any web-app development needs plenty enough hours, and that can be reduced by using ZenDevX.

Increase Developer's productivity

Focus on important business logic implementation instead of spending time to code or re-code and bug-fixing due to re-use of existing code

No Code Development,
Get full Source Code

Choose Project tech-stack i.e. front-end and back-end. Build visually, implement business logic and finally generates and export source code.

The fastest way to build Internal Software

Build internal software to manage business transactions, inter-department approvals and varios workflows.

On-Premise database supported by No Code Dev Tool

On-premise database

Host Source Code generated by No Code App Builder on your or customer's server

Host on own Application Server

Customize, Integrate and deploy without platform lock-in

Generate, Customize/Integrate and deploy without lock-in

Build APIs in no-time

Build REST APIs, Micro-Services, Graph QL with out Code

Dynamic Website

  • Data Retrieval: APIs allow dynamic websites to fetch real-time data from external sources
  • User Authentication: APIs enable secure user login and management through third-party services.
  • Content Management: APIs facilitate seamless content updates and integration from various platforms.
  • Feature Enhancement: APIs provide access to advanced functionalities like payment processing or social sharing.


  • Modularity: Allowing developers to build scalable and maintainable web-apps by separating components.
  • Collaboration: APIs enable different teams to work independently,
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: APIs facilitate communication between different platforms and devices,
  • Rapid Development: APIs accelerate development by allowing developers to leverage existing services and tools, reducing the need to build everything from scratch.


  • Real-time Functionality: APIs enable mobile apps to access and display real-time data, such as live updates, notifications, and location services.
  • Third-Party Integrations: APIs enable to integrates with social media, payment gateways, and analytics tools, enhancing app capabilities.
  • Device Feature Access: APIs provide access to device-specific features like camera, GPS, and sensors, enriching user experience and functionality.

The new paradigm in
no code development

Transforming the software development process using visual page-designer and unique wizard based business logic implementation

Using ZenDevX No Code API Builder save 90% of development time and cost

Save 90% of Development time

No more time spending on bug  fixing, Generate 100% bug-free source code from ZenDevX No Code Generator

Export 100% bug-free source code

Get dedicated support from experienced No Code Developer

Dedicated customer support

See how ZenDevX speed-up your development journey and increase productivity

We're here to assist with any inquiries or support you need.
Contact us anytime!

Kavita Makwana

Customer success expert



ZenDevX Solutions Inc.

6203, San Ignacio Avenue,
San Jose, CA 95119